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Who are we?


The Liverpool Language Lab brings together researchers who are interested in various aspects of children's language development, from the earliest stages of babble and gestures, through word learning, to how they master complex sentence structures.

Many of the lab’s staff are associated with the ESRC International Centre for Language and Communicative Development (the LuCiD Centre), which is based at the Universities of Liverpool, Manchester and Lancaster.

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The Liverpool Language Lab is part of the ESRC International Centre for Language and Communicative Development (LuCiD); a £9.3 million research centre, one of the largest projects ever funded by the ESRC. The LuCiD group includes researchers from the Liverpool Language Lab, Manchester Child Study Centre and Lancaster Babylab. Together we are working on developing our understanding of how children learn language! Click here to learn more. 

Our lab is made up of researchers and students who are interested in understanding the fundamental aspects of language acquisition. For instance, some of the questions that we want to find the answers to are: how do children learn to communicate using language? How do children's language abilities develop over time? How and why do language skills vary across children? And what consequences might this have for their future academic outcomes?


To try to answer some of these questions, we run lots of different studies*. Take a look below at some of our current research; if you have a child who is the appropriate age for one of these studies, we'd love to meet you! 


​*All of the studies we run at the Liverpool Language Lab have received ethical approval from and met the necessary standards set by the University of Liverpool.

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